What Does It Mean That Everything Will Be Alright?

I am a Christian. I love Jesus. And I have troubles. Many. 

I interpreted this common saying that, “everything is going to be alright,” as everything will go as I want it to go because I am a Christian and love Jesus. And it is not true. 

I got in a car accident the other day. I scratched my car. My kitchen caught on fire. I got a speeding ticket trying to get home to remediate the damage; it was a speed trap. 

I am on food stamps. I am uninsured. My house needs repairs. I want to be married. I want kids. I am 41 this year. And I am as single as a straw in a glass of coke.  

So, when people say, “everything will be alright,” it can’t mean that all those situations will suddenly be as I want. And it doesn’t mean that all of those situations need to be what I want.

So what does it mean? 

It means I have someone to talk to when I am alone. I walk a nature trail as much as I can, and while there, I see the open water, I see the large trees, and I walk on the sandy path, and I talk to Jesus. It is comforting. 

It means I have someone who listens to my cries. I cry at night. Often. And I am comforted by the presence of knowing that I am listened to, and I am held, not by human hands, but by a human loving spirit. I don’t feel it always, but sometimes I do. 

It means I get to see small wins that remind me that when I feel alone, I actually am not. I prayed for a doctors appointment, and when I called, they had one opening for the next day. I needed to see a therapist, and there was one opening a week later. All paid for by someone else. Small wins are big for me right now.

I celebrate everything, because I have experienced the absence of even the small wins. 

So, everything will be alright, yes, it will be as it is. Everything is not referring to every detail of my life, but rather, the spiritual truths that surround my life. Everything that sets the world in motion, that makes the sun rise, and the moon shine, that energy will be ever present, ever working, and ever true. I can trust that. Everything will be alright. 

I may not get everything that I want, and truly, that may be a good thing. But I can trust that these emotions that I feel in response to my situations can be held by a creator who cares, and that I will win at some things. There are wins that you will have, maybe not in everything, but believe me, everything will be alright. 

8 thoughts on “What Does It Mean That Everything Will Be Alright?

  • May 29, 2021 at 2:22 pm

    I sincerely appreciate your analysis Joy. And I agree that “Everything referring to the spiritual truths that surround the details of your life,” will work themselves out and be just fine. Thank you for reminding us that we should celebrate even the small wins and not take things for granted because tomorrow is never promised today. Thank for shining light and perspective on the everyday joys in nature and small details that we often miss in our daily hustle and bustle. Joy, light, and perspective is what I walk away with today! Thank you!

    • May 29, 2021 at 11:44 pm

      You are so kind, Fabienne. Thank you for commenting, and offering words to aid this conversation. You are so welcome. The gift of perspective is what we can keep giving each other. Stay well!

  • May 29, 2021 at 9:08 pm

    Your writing is so clear, it’s as if I could feel your pain. And I would argue that you have more wins than you realize. For instance, if you had children and a husband in this season of your life, do you think you would have more anxiety or less? Perspective helps us to see Romans 8:28 better as it applies to our own personal experience. I love you, and I care about the whole person, and so does our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    • May 29, 2021 at 11:43 pm

      Thank you so much, Mom. And you are right, what would some of those desires do for me emotionally if I had them right now, and thank you for helping me to see that I have more wins. I love Romans 8:28, Dad’s favorite verse. Thank you for your love. I love you, too. I appreciate you commenting.

  • May 30, 2021 at 3:02 pm

    Joy, great insight and observation on your own life. God has set a path for each and everyone of us which will have win or lose situations. It’s up to us on how to decipher those situations and make the best of those outcomes. We do take the small wins for granted because we are so focus on the big wins. If anything I learned is that the small wins make the biggest impact on our lives.

    Continue to stay true Joy. Love you!

    • June 21, 2021 at 6:28 pm

      Cynthia, you are always such an encourager to me. Thank you. You were so important and pivotal during the aftermath of Dad passing. You are a treasure, and I don’t tell you enough. Thank you for being love, even in the midst of so much darkness and negativity–you find a way for the light to shine. I love you, too.

  • May 30, 2021 at 9:28 pm

    This essay shows that spiritual maturity is being developed by the author. Many people never step beyond a selfish reason for their prayers and relationship with God. When things don’t go one’s way then we wonder why. We forget that God loves us so ultimately and is so wise and that we can’t begin to see His guidance in everything. We see through a glass darkly. I’m looking forward to the time that God puts new software in my brain so I can finally understand Him and His unconditional love. For now I’m thankful that He’s my friend even though I can’t match Him in any way.

    • June 21, 2021 at 6:26 pm

      Thanks, Julianne! I love your name. It has been great sharing insight with you. I hope there is more to come. Looking forward to hearing about the new software as well. 🙂


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